DG Growth – SMART Tourism Destinations

The process of digitalisation and intelligent data management are on the rise in tourism. The project supported 50 destinations in Europe on their way to smart tourism. Joining a team of 10 experts in tourism sustainability and data management, Prof. Lund-Durlacher supported the development of a toolkit for mastering data and provided coaching and capacity building activities to selected destinations. Furthermore, a community of practice of European destinations on smart tourism was established.

Project period: 04/2022 – 09/2023
Partners: PWC, Interella Consulting, Carsa, University of Malaga, 10 Experts on Data management and Sustainability
Project Team: Dagmar Lund-Durlacher
Contracted by Interella Consulting, funded by European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROWTH)