Current and recently completed research projects:
„Climate adaptation study with guidelines for tourism service providers in the state of Brandenburg“ (02/2024 – ongoing) will develop a scientific report and practical guidelines on climate adaptation for tourism service providers.

„Study on the use of Single Use Plastic, Packaging and Waste Management in the tourism sector and municipalities with a focus on the destination Sites Trang and Koh Tao in Thailand“ (02/2024 – ongoing) aims to motivate and capacitate stakeholders from tourism sector and municipalities to reduce and better manage plastic waste.

„Sustainable EU Tourism – Shaping the Tourism of Tomorrow“ (12/2023 – ongoing) aims to support DMOs and tourism stakeholders on their way to becoming more sustainable and resilient destinations, guided by the Transition Pathway for Tourism.

„Crisis Management and Governance in Tourism“ (11/2023 – ongoing) aims to strengthen EU´s tourism ecosystem governance, making it more resilient and better prepared for resisting, managing and mitigating crises.

„Scaling Up Sustainable Food Management in Tourism“ (09/2022 – 08/2023) created tools to improve sustainable food management in tourism -> more

„Sustainable Hotel Management Training in Antalya, Turkey“(06/2023) delivered three training sessions (basic and advanced) on Sustainable Food and Plastic Waste Management in Antalya for Trainers and Hotel representatives organised by Hotelplan and Futouris.

„Raising awareness among travel agency staff and travelers about the climate impact of travel“ (10/2022 – 02/2023) developed a label of the carbon footprint of package tours and travel components for use in travel information and booking systems -> more

„Supporting the Development of a Tourism Sustainability Satellite Account and Indicators in Croatia“ (09/2022 – 11/2023) provided guidance to strengthen and share tourism data to support the Tourism Sustainability Satellite Account in Croatia -> more

„DG Growth – SMART Tourism Destinations“ (04/2022 – 09/2023) supported 50 destinations in Europe on their way to smart tourism -> more

„Expert Concept and Guidelines for the Sustainable Tourism Development in Rheinland-Pfalz“ (05/2022 – 12/2022) will provide a future orientation and action framework for sustainable tourism development in Rheinland-Pfalz -> more

„Sustainable Food Toolkit“ (01/2022 – 03/2024) updated and digitised the successful and widely used handbook „Sustainable Food“, which was first published in 2015 ->more

„Unbalanced tourism growth at destination level – root causes, impacts, existing solutions and good practices“ (01/2021 – 06/2022) focuses on the phenomenon of overtourism, its causes, impacts as well as possible solutions for mitigating and preventing its negative effects at destination level -> more

„Transforming Tourism – Protecting biodiversity and increasing local value creation by promoting sustainable tourism development in three pilot destinations in the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica“ (01/2020 – 06/2023) aims at protecting biodiversity and increasing local value creation by promoting sustainable tourism development in three pilot destinations in the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica -> more

„European Tourism Going Green 2030 (ETTG)“ (01/2021 – 06/2023) will support tourism SMEs (accommodation, tour operator, travel intermediaries) to implement sustainability in their businesses -> more

„Sustainable Food Workshops“ (01/2018 – ongoing) train environmental, quality or service managers as well as hotel staff about sustainable food services and operations -> more

„APCC Special Report on tourism and climate change“ (03/18 – 02/20) summarizes and assesses the state of knowledge of all aspects of regarding the interrelationship of Austria’s tourism to climate change based on contributions by the full community of Austrian researchers and related experts -> more

„TRIANGLE – The Tourism Research, Innovation and Next Generation Learning Experience“ (11/2016 – 08/2019) builds a European sustainable tourism education and training Knowledge Alliance with the objective of improving the innovation potential and competitiveness of SMEs and tourism destinations in Europe.

„VorTEIL – Vorzeigeregion Tourismus – Energietechnologien und Innovationen leben“ (07/2016 – 03/2017) is to accompany the development and demonstration of intelligent, secure and affordable energy and transportation technologies, based on renewable energy sources within the Austrian tourism sector.

„Sustainable Food Communication“ (8/2016 – 12/2017) developed and tested communication tools to create awareness for sustainable food among hotel guests in order to improve the sustainability balance of food operations in the travel industry -> more

„Sustainable Food in the Travel context“ (10/2015 – 3/1016) provides an analysis of sustainable food service offers.