Building on the results of the study „Sustainable Food in the Holiday Context“, the main objectives of this project were to develop effective tools for communicating the sustainability dimensions of the food offer to hotel guests and the impact various communication tools have to measure the awareness, attitudes and behavior of guests regarding sustainable food consumption in holiday hotels. 14 different displays and signs were developed and implemented for the breakfast offer. The local origin and authenticity of the food and the avoidance of plate waste were chosen as the central sustainability dimensions, which are to be conveyed to the hotel guests. The effectiveness of the communication tools was empirically tested in a series of tests and consistently showed positive results.
Manual Sustainable Food Tools – Ways to Communicate with Guests (English)
Manual Sustainable Food Tools – Instrumente für die Gästekommunikation (Deutsch)
Antonschmidt H., Lund-Durlacher D. (2021) Stimulating food waste reduction behaviour among hotel guests through context manipulation, Journal of Cleaner Production,
Project period: 06/2016 – 07/2017
Partners: Futouris e.V.
Project Team: Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Hannes Antonschmidt, Eva Frey