Building on the results of the study „Sustainable Food in the Holiday Context“, the main objectives of this project were to develop effective tools for communicating the sustainability dimensions of the food offer to hotel guests and the impact various communication tools have to measure the awareness, attitudes and behavior of guests regarding sustainable food […]
Autor: lund-durlacher
Supporting the Development of a Tourism Sustainability Satellite Account and Indicators in Croatia
The aim of this project was to provide guidance to strengthen and share tourism data, including the development and implementation of indicators measuring and monitoring the sustainability of tourism, and to support the Tourism Sustainability Satellite Account in Croatia. Project period: 09/2022 – 11/2023Partners: Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, DIW EconProject Team: Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Wolfgang […]
Raising awareness among travel agency staff and travelers about the climate impact of travel
The project developed an attractive and easy-to-understand label for the carbon footprint of package tours and their travel components for use in information and booking systems in the tourism industry. On the one hand, this increases the marketability of climate-friendly travel offers, since such offers are positively highlighted by the identification of the climate footprint. […]
Scaling Up Sustainable Food Management in Tourism
In the project, practical factsheets for scaling up sustainable food management in tourism were developed within the framework of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme and in close cooperation between UN Tourism, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and Futouris. The tools refer to 1) Online Training Modules including Fundamentals, Sustainable Food Procurement, Sustainable Communication […]
DG Growth – SMART Tourism Destinations
The process of digitalisation and intelligent data management are on the rise in tourism. The project supported 50 destinations in Europe on their way to smart tourism. Joining a team of 10 experts in tourism sustainability and data management, Prof. Lund-Durlacher supported the development of a toolkit for mastering data and provided coaching and capacity […]
Expert Concept and Guidelines for the Sustainable Tourism Development in Rheinland-Pfalz
The state of RLP has set itself the goal of initiating a strategic and operational change process towards sustainable tourism development. A coherent concept was developed as a future orientation and action framework for sustainable tourism development in RLP, which contains statements on tasks, structures, financing and funding opportunities. Project period: 05/2022 – 12/2022Partners: Centre […]
Sustainable Food Toolkit
The second edition of the successful and widely used handbook „Sustainable Food“, which was first published in 2015, was updated. The contents of the handbook are digitised and offered on the educational platform Futouris. Best practices, checklists and tools for implementing sustainable practices in food businesses complement the digital handbook. See also our practical tools […]
APCC Special Report on tourism and climate change
The consequences of climate change are already being felt today. The APCC Special Report „Tourism and Climate Change in Austria“ (SR19) is a comprehensive summary and assessment of the current state of research on the complex relationships between tourism, events and climate change. In its nature as an assessment report, SR19 is the second Special […]
Sustainable Food Workshops
Project period: 01/2018 – ongoingPartners: Futouris e.V., Centre for Sustainable Tourism (ZENAT) at Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, KnallgrünProject Team: Dagmar Lund-Durlacher, Andrea Dietl, Hannes Antonschmidt Training of hotel staff is essential to secure the successful implementation of the principles of sustainable food. Having researched and published on the topic since 2015, Prof. Lund-Durlacher conducts […]
European Tourism Going Green (ETGG) 2030
The project aims to support tourism SMEs (accommodation, tour operators, travel intermediaries) to implement sustainability in their businesses. Overall, the project aims to establish a EU wide business sustainability knowledge learning and training system to support European tourism SMEs throughout the supply chain in their move towards sustainable consumption and production. The main activities are: […]